profile hi. im known as angela. sometimes they call me nurse/ missy/ betty, depending on their moods. qop-ian since birth. LOM-er since 12. and as much as i bitch/complain/roll my eyes real hard, i generally love the people/ the friends/ the life i have right now. oh yeah, im only 21 though i was told i looked a tad more mature. archives May 2008 June 2008 July 2008 August 2008 September 2008 October 2008 November 2008 January 2009 May 2009 June 2009 November 2009 December 2009 January 2010 February 2010 March 2010 credits |
Monday, July 14, 2008 @ 12:11 PM
zoned out. down with an MC for the first time since i started work. supremely irritated at myself. two days gone just like that. and im experiencing a new high. on drwosyyyyy drugs........ yeh. can hardly keep my eyes open now. anyways was thinking of compiling all my old baby and teenager photos but i got very freaked out when i saw the mountain of baby photos i got. over a thousand i guess. i'll think about it later. when the drugs stop talking for me. what's with friendster and the "i've got a new profile" but all i got was a link to a porno site. does friendster understand what's going on?? anyways was working real hard on saturday and was looking forward to sleeping on the couch at my aunt's house while my parents played mahjong. and surprise surprise.... i got my first call to the holy table for four. man i've been begging them to let me join in this exclusive club for ages. and finally when im about to give up and start on dreamland, i got the call up (feels like NS eh.) but anyways, i didn't lose very badly. only 39 bucks. hurhur. this coming CNY is definitely gonna be different. im called to the adult's arena!!! sunday was day OFF!!! went for half a mass and FINALLY saw tricia. finally she finished her studies and would be back for good. haven't got the chance to catch up but will do so soon. denise down with a wasp sting and warded to CGH. why ar?? she is definately a major contributor to the profits of the hospital. anyways babes gonna visit you when im well again. get well in time for next sunday yeh? :) curia yesterday. i was mildly annoyed with the turnout. nuff said. didn't have great appetite when we went to sakae. a sure sigh that you're gonna fall sick is went you only spend five dollars in sakae sushi, im sure. so went down to watch HELL BOY: the golden army with chan pet and robin. surprisingly good. i always thought these kinda shows are all fight and nothing else. but its different. angsy tough on the outside and mushy on the inside guys, i like. ![]() "he didn't want to face the problem of facing a woman that he kissed but do not love and a woman whom he love but couldn't kiss." anyways, Ned (Lee Pace) has the ability to resurrect a person with a touch but the next time he touches them again, he would kill them. forever. and since he has already resurrected the girl he loves once, he can never touch her again. how tragic. just the kind of story i love. geeky guys that look like him and love a woman like him, i like. okkkk. drugs are working real good. time to hit the sack. nights love. Monday, July 7, 2008 @ 10:15 PM
19 minutes. ask a random kid today if she wants to be popular and she'll tell you no, even if the truth is that if she was in a desert dying of thirst and had the choice between a glass of water and instant popularity, she'll probably choose the latter. see, you can't admit to wanting it, because that makes you less cool. to be truly popular, its what you MAKE yourself. i wonder if anyone works any harder at anything than kids do at being popular. i mean, even air traffic controllers and the president of the United States take vacations. but look at your average high school student and you'll see someone who's putting in time twenty four hours a day, for the entire length of the school year. so how do you crack that inner sanctum? well, here's the catch: it's not up to you. what's important is what everyone else thinks of how you dress, what you eat for lunch, what shows you watch yon TIVO, what music is on your ipod. i've always sort of wondered though: if everyone's opinion is what matters, then do you ever really have one of your own?? jodi picoult - PLEASE BUY HER BOOKS FOR ME!!! im nuts about it!!! Wednesday, July 2, 2008 @ 11:09 PM
things to do before you hit the big 21 when in US, people get their driving license and a big fat car on their 16th birthday (plus yo-yo rappers and helicopter rides to their FLYIN' party) people in Singapore are a little SLOW when it comes to celebrating your freedom. how do you actually celebrate your freedom (a la the lock and key thingie) when you still stay in the same HDB flat as your parents? when their room is just ten steps away and my father is still threatening to lock the door if i reach home after 12?? or my mother telling me to wash my uniform separately? the ultimate release, or freedom, would be when i move out. or get married. which ever comes first. but anyways, i still like staying with my parents. (my dad can still send me around, hurhur. that's what happens when you don't get your driving license.) so when its 19 days to my big 21, i don't really feel that much excitement coz...... life still goes on the same way. i won't magically have skinny thighs or bigger boobs on 21st of july. i still have patients that piss the shit out of me. i still have to tie my hair when i go to work. heck, i STILL have to work. so, age is just a number. excited? definitely. |